Menlo Park Neighborhood Affordable Housing Project – Westmoreland Lots
Site Conditions
· 1.4-acre, 14 lots
· Full infrastructure installed in 2009 by Pima County General Obligation Bond Funding
Site History
The City of Tucson purchased Westmoreland Lots in 1995 and used the then existing six residential units for public housing until 2005. These units were demolished in 2006. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the Property was completed and the current 14 lot residential subdivision recorded in 2007. In 2008, the Property was conveyed to a non-profit organization for the development of 11 affordable and three market rate home ownership units. Two model plans were approved in 2012. Construction of individual units did not occur and the property was returned to the City in 2013. A Request for Proposals was issued in May of 2017 and two proposals were received. One was for 6 single family homes. The other was for 13 units, 6 affordable units (3 duplexes) and 7 market rate homes. Both proposals were declined.
City of Tucson – Current Project
Given the history of the site as public housing, high demand and low supply of affordable housing units, and the public funding already invested in the infrastructure, the City of Tucson is interested in pursuing affordable housing that is compatible with the history and character of Menlo Park. The intention is to select a developer or development team that submits a buildable proposal that meets the primary design objectives and goals of the neighborhood.
· Currently zoned R-2.
· Allows for medium density single family and multifamily residential development
· Current lots are just over 2,000 sq ft
· Looking at street access, parking etc. reasonable to expect there could be a maximum of 12-14 units if looking at more single family and/or attached duplexes/townhomes.
· If multi-family is preferred, could go up to 21 dwelling units.
· Maximum building height for single-family or multifamily is 25' (max of 2 stories)
Next Steps
· Interested in hearing from the neighborhood on what you all would like to see in terms of overall site concept ideas
· Keep in mind want to balance interests and make sure the project pencils out so that it can be built
· Looking to release a RFP to select a developer in 2021 based on feedback from the neighborhood
· Would like to have neighborhood representation on the selection committee
· Based on feedback from the neighborhood association, reached out to UA Architecture and a professor is considering it for a studio class to have students create design concepts for the site.